Monday, November 22, 2010

One year mark

That day changed my life forever. The part that pains me the most is I never had the chance to tell my mother one last time that i loved her an that one day I would make her proud of what I will accomplish in life. Everyday is a new reminder that I have lost my mother. Some days are good, some days are bad.

Unfortunately, life will never be the same again and this is something we must all accept. And I am sure if my mom is watching over us then she would not want us to be upset about her passing. By far this is the best way to die. My wish is that the day my time comes that I pass the same way.

My mother loved everyone with all of heart, this is one thing that amazed me. That even when people would befriend her she would still be there whenever they needed her. My mother had an unconditional love with everyone. I am so thankful that I blessed with such a mother. When I think of my mom there are tons and tons of memories that float around my mind but what I truly miss the most is my mom waiting for me when I walk through the door.

Unfortunately I will never find the same kind of love or appreciation that my mother had for me, but I will always cherish the affection and undemanding love my mother showed to me. I am not certain about any afterlife but this I am certain of, if there is one then my mother is in the highest of heavens that God has to offer.

Let this be a lesson to all of us that life changes within a blink of an eye. We all take it for granted but, I have changed my outlook on life entirely since this catastrophic event. It breaks my heart that I learned this harsh lesson from the loss of my mother but such is life.

jate hue kahte ho qiyamat ko milen ge kya khub! qiyamat ka hai goya koi din aur. (leaving me, you say that we shall meet on the day of resurrection, how nice! is this a day other than the doomsday?)

tum kaun se the aise khare dad-o-sitad ke, karta malakulmaut taqaza koi din aur. (you were not so straightforward in your dealings to the angel of death, you could have negotiated for a few days more).

1 comment:

  1. Your mom was an amazing person. I keep her in my prayers. You were lucky to have grown up under her care and are still lucky to be able to cherish those memories.
