Saturday, October 23, 2010

You may be king of the land, but I am king of the pen

Unfortunately it is in our nature to be apathetic to state of affairs that occur in our daily life that we encounter, for instance homeless man standing the street. Typically we pay no mind to them, our mind plays different scenarios on how that person who could be out earning money instead of begging on the side of the street. We find reasons to justify our decisions and actions day in and day out. Yes human beings are selfish by nature I cannot and will not deny that fact, but I do believe that we can be more compassionate with our fellow comrades who face the same troubles as we do more or less. Another ill-fated decision we make in our life is how we treat our loved ones. Loved ones seem to always be pushed to the side even though they should be our first priority. Life changes in a split second, ask me I was faced with the cold reality not too long ago. Love others as you would love yourself. We all have our own ambitions and desires, some more aggressive than others but what are we achieving? Self-preservation?  We are slaves to our own demise. Eventually we all will perish and just a memory of you will be left. Are the memories people have of you now something to be cherished? We have the rest of our lives to become rich, become on the front page of entrepreneur magazine or the fortune 500 magazine. As much as we would like to think we have plenty of time on our hands, making plans in the future, what are we doing for our present? Are we making our loved ones happy? What have we done to better serve our community? Personally my salvation lies within the people near and dear to me. I would like to consider myself a friend to a friend, but unfortunately people take my kindness for weakness. At the end of the day that I know who I am, I cannot please the world and like I have said previously my intent is not to do so. Not everyone has ill intentions so it’s better that you give them the benefit of the doubt before you judge their character.

We decide our fate, make it the right choice. We all take different highways to reach our nirvana, at the end our destination is the same. Don’t be so judgmental. Grow up and quit your unconventional stone written rules and regulations. Living in fear will not leave you content with life. The point is to fall in a love trance, then fear of punishment. I have never been one for conventional reasoning nor do I find it healthy to my existence to do so.

“Let the beauty you love be what you do, there a thousand ways to kneel and kiss the earth”

Salvation lies within YOU

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