Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Play the hand your dealt like its 4 aces

I had a conversation with a friend the other day and we touched on various topics, the one that intrigued me the most was when we were talking about goals and aspirations and the obstacles people face when trying to achieve them. He said “play the hand you are dealt like its 4 aces,” for those of you who are unfamiliar with the poker lingo. 4 aces is one of the strongest hands you can have in Texas Hold-em. Turns out I stumbled across a poker tournament yesterday and decided to sit down. In poker, the cards you are dealt is luck, but it is how you apply them to get your winnings. There were several times where I had cards that are considered untouchable in the game because you can’t really make anything out of them. But I applied his theory and overcome people with very strong hands by how aggressively I was moving with them. The same goes for your life.

We are not always given things on a silver platter, but given the right principles and attitude you can change your direction and give yourself the bigger and better things in life. We all have different goals and aspirations, but what makes us different from the rest of the lot is how uncompromisingly we strive to achieve them. If you have the mentality the heavens are falling and there is no hope for you, sadly enough this will be your demise. In the very short years that I have been able to comprehend and assess the different life patterns and why people thrive more than others, I have come to realize it is all your mind set. We all have heard fairy tale stories of rags to riches or someone getting lucky and striking gold. The only difference between them and us is their persistence to achieve their beloved dreams. Every week I make a list of targets that I need to achieve, at the end of the week if my goal has not been achieved, it was a waste of a week. This is our future, like it is said in the movie Scarface “The world is yours,” it truly is my friends.

This world is what we make of it, don’t get it twisted.

I am not only talking about monetary wealth, it could be a spiritual enlightenment or a new hobby you are trying to excel in. Every aspect in life should be treated the same, whether it comes to family or a new job. Strive for the best, set your standards high. If you set the bar high and you don’t reach that point, you will still be damn well near it. Its unfortunate and it breaks my heart when I see young kids throwing their life away over senseless garbage. At the end of the day I am not out to change the world, but if I can do my part to aid someone in changing their methods to their madness for the better then I feel like I would not have wasted this life.

Go and do likewise, if you don’t I have no remorse for you.

Be well, do good, pay your taxes, and call me if you need an accountant ;)

“No man can reveal to you nothing but that which already lies half-asleep in the dawning of your knowledge.”


  1. Very true, confidence is whats separates you from trying to achieve something and achieving it. Make the most of it

  2. exactly the kind of post I needed to read these days :)
