Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The Awakening

We come across all sorts of people in life, from childhood till now the people you have encountered changed your life in some way. Whether it is good or bad is determined by your own thought process. A life full of regret is a life wasted. We do not always know how far the ripples of our actions go but we should always strive in bettering ourselves and the people around us. Therefore, when you are a friend to someone in my opinion, you should do it whole heartedly. My definition of a friend is an individual who is a well wisher who is there in times of misfortune, and contentment. Unfortunately, we cannot build expectations in people because of their devious nature. Although, I generally give people the benefit of the doubt. Given the opportunity I still would not alter the past. I live my life with no regrets and what happens truly does happen for the best.

The grass is greener on the side YOU want it to be.

Day and day out we are subject to routine, like drones we go to work come back home and indulge ourselves in some activity which is most likely not bettering ourselves, or the people around us. I have made a bucket list in the previous post, if anyone would like to join me on the things to do list let me know, I would like to do something out of the norm for a change. The knowledge is out there but we choose not to take it. Some may argue they have responsibilities at home or their schedule is in such a way they cannot make time for gaining knowledge or lending a helping hand. I beg to differ. On average (assumption) it typically takes 20 minutes in Houston for you to travel from point A to point B. During that time you can get an audio cd and listen to a book you have wanted to read, or hey here’s a thought: how about we use the radio to listen to the news? So many bright young minds go to waste on senseless garbage. Don’t get me wrong I am not genius, nor anywhere near it. But I like to stay informed and try to better myself everyday in some form. A day without acquiring new knowledge is a day wasted. On a weekend you can spend 1-2 hours whatever time you have available to help out at an animal shelter or an old folks home. Periodically I go and volunteer at these places because they are in dire need of help. Those of you who are reading this are most likely the future of this country. How are we supposed to turn this place into a paradise if we are destroying our roots and the very foundation we were brought up on? No I am not some mentally distraught person talking out of a bong of smoke haze. Now is the time to better ourselves before it is too late. Me and a few of my friends have started a book club, if you are interested in joining you are more than welcome to. All we require is a sound mind with the ability to accept others opinions. The road to perdition is exceedingly accessible when the mind has already accepted the downward spiral of self destruction. At the end of the day you can lie to the world but you are only cheating yourself. Do good to yourself and unto others.

“Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly. Leave the rest to God”

Until next time my friends, may the tides of happiness flow with you always.

1 comment:

  1. The quality of your posts has really improved since Xanga days :)
    Nice thoughtful post!
