Thursday, October 7, 2010

First post

Welcome to my wall! I hope that this finds you in the best of health and at the peak of your happiness. I have been meaning to write a book for a very long time and I am hopeful this will become my inspiration to start it soon. The past year for me has been upside down. There have been so many changes in such little time. Im sure you all have heard the saying "life changes in the blink of an eye," I can TRULY say that I have seen life flash before my eyes. Let me tell you its by far the worst feeling in the world that you will ever experience. What I can say I have learned from this predicament that I was put in is that life can not be taken for granted. Unfortunately it is in our nature to not appreciate what we have infront of us until the hour of seperation.

I will embellish more later, sleep is calling me

"We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams."

^ That's on the back of my ipod!! A penny for your thoughts.


1 comment:

  1. I would like an autographed copy of your book when it is published. I will give you one of mine as well!
