Friday, October 8, 2010

My Mother

I wrote this a while back about my mom, I should probably reword this but this is how it poured out and that's how it is gonna be.

Some people believe God is a super natural being, or in the form of a statue, for me my mother had the same attributes as what we believe God is. My mother was a remarkable and exceptional person. She had kindness that no one could understand. It still baffles me how she treated everyone as if they were her own. If anyone of us was gloomy she would bend over backwards to bring a smile back to our face. I remember that when I would be sad or upset my mother would sit by my side and make the tears go away. My mother couldn’t sleep until we were in the house, and I used to get upset that she would ruin her sleep just to make sure I get home safe, now these are the memories I miss the most. The most painful part of my day is looking down at my phone and not seeing a call from my mother to see where I am, how my day is going, or when am I coming home. Also walking through the front door every day and not seeing her praying namaz, or waiting for me at the dinner table. My mother had always taught me to be a kind hearted, humble person, and to always strive for excellence.
Now we must all go through our lives and live how she would have wanted us to live. Although the pain of the separation from my beloved mother will never leave me, I have learned from this experience that life truly cannot be taken for granted. Cherish every moment you have with your loved ones, this should be a great illustration of how quickly we can leave this world without a sign. What we must understand also is that this was God’s will and we cannot turn back the clock and bring her back. My mother will always be the noor of my eyes, and the teachings she has raised me and Michelle with will live forever with us and our children to come. Everyday has become a reminder for me to go on with my life with my head held up high and become what my mother wished for me to be. I find peace in knowing the way she passed there is truly no better way to leave this materialistic world.
A mother’s love, is always patient and understanding; while others would forsake us in times of adversity. My mother truly was an angel in human form.  Her heart was a deep abyss which was filled with love and forgiveness. Although she has left us in the middle of the road, I am certain that God had better plans for her, and that she is still with me. Every action I take, I think how my mom would feel. When mom died I was given some great advice from one of the partners in my firm: “Everything you do in life, remember your mother. Your mother will always watch over you no matter where she is, although she is not physically here that doesn’t mean that she loves you any less or that she is not behind you to catch you when you fall. Every success in life that you have is because of your mother. Therefore do not be sad that she has left you, because she is still here in spirit.”
My mother’s love is a never ending symphony that plays in my head. How this time has passed for me is indescribable, and only someone who has lost their mother can understand this pain. I hope and pray that one day when I leave this world that I will be reunited with my mother.


  1. beautifully written dan...the way you describe her, that's how much she meant for so many more as well..

  2. <3 inshAllah one day we will be reunited with her.

  3. What a beautiful way to describe her.
